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Zoom Link to FB Mtg 2

Great discussion around keys in the passing game along with a few kicking game pointers – great film review. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/dmj2_IcbKzefmquTZwG1nRc1eXgQ85vJaRPhHLTnPOKfnNTipkK2JUG-RrQjaOKP.4-dJnDyY4Sdz4xvU?startTime=1725489959000 Passcode: rj6+gS.%

Not Long Ago

This article features our own Scott Helverson, but it speaks to his connection with other local officials who encouraged him and brought him along. Published by the University of Iowa in 2019. Former Hawkeye Player Officiates His Third Superbowl And just a reminder: You can… Read More »Not Long Ago