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Dan Johnson

Started officiating football in 2001, moved to Referee & crew chief in 2006.

Zoom Link to FB Mtg 2

Great discussion around keys in the passing game along with a few kicking game pointers – great film review. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/dmj2_IcbKzefmquTZwG1nRc1eXgQ85vJaRPhHLTnPOKfnNTipkK2JUG-RrQjaOKP.4-dJnDyY4Sdz4xvU?startTime=1725489959000 Passcode: rj6+gS.%

Zoom link to FB Mtg 1

Couldn’t join us at Valley HS on 8/21? No problem. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/a1COAgm74TQKWCxRiBlfAeFdtk_HlvOuESOzLjTXSsEAVWAdfPNfU1KtF1oDhKDv.RixTn6Q8KPW7zssL?startTime=1724281868000 And use this Passcode (including the period): .w93EEkG

One Tough Ref

If you haven’t seen this feature Scott Reister of KCCI did on our own Jerry Bowhay, give it a look. But not if you’re squeamish at all — he somehow pops the knee back into place to finish the game. https://www.kcci.com/article/watch-ref-pops-knee-back-into-place-finishes-game/46620806