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Members Login

Soon we’ll add a members-only area where each member can upload a photo, share their contact info, access valuable downloads, etc. Note that membership on this site is not the same as being a full DMOA (paid) member. Alumni members get free access – we value your insights. Membership will be confirmed before your user role is upgraded.

Interested in Membership?

Looking to join or renew your membership?
Fees for ’24-25 are just $35 for one sport or $50 for two. Click below for the DMOA registration form.

DMOA on Social Media


Our public Facebook page is worth a follow for the latest events. Obviously, the Private Facebook group requires paid membership. Let us know if you’d like an invite.

LinkedIn and Instagram

If you’re on LinkedIn and/or Instagram, give us a follow.

“Ignore comments. Answer questions. Penalize insanity.”
– Gary Hamilton,
Indiana HS basketball official on how to handle issues with coaches during a game.