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Welcome Back!

Welcome to the new DMOA site desmoinesofficials.com – we hope you notice some enhancements over our legacy site, DMOA.net.

What’s new?

An emphasis on attracting new officials and bringing former DMOA members back into our ranks. It’s no secret that our overall number of certified officials has declined in recent years. New members are the lifeblood of the organization and the only way to maintain and grow the sports of football and basketball in our region.

Success Stories – A few of our current and former member officials share their experiences as officials, career highlights, etc.

What’s missing?

  • For privacy reasons, we don’t have a public list of our member officials and their contact information. We’ll add a way in the members-only section to include this.
  • Message Board – moderating was a chore, so now only registered users and members may view and post on certain boards. Once you’ve registered and received the confirmation email from WordPress, you’ll be able to post. Community members (assignors, ADs, etc.) may also register to join certain message boards for no fee.
  • Let us know if there are features or topics you’d like to see.

If you’re not currently a DMOA member, here’s how to renew or get started.

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