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Welcome to The Primary Focus

The Des Moines Officials Association is excited to offer it members and others an online discussion and dialog focused on issues important to basketball officiating. Each month, a short article will be posted under this tag “The Primary Focus.” For the following few months or so, DMOA members and guests are invited to read and comment on the article.

The Primary Focus can be found in our blog section (under More in the top navigation) on the DMOA website.

Scott Van Beck, a veteran high school and college basketball official for over 40 years, will serve as the moderator for the site’s conversation. The first article, “You Can’t Have It Both Ways” will be posted November 1st. Here’s the article schedule for the rest of the season:
– December: When You are Less Experience but More Talented
– January: Matchup Proximity
– February: Why Do We Penalize the Defense So Often?
– March: The Language of Refereeing

The goal here is for DMOA members and guests to take 5 minutes of their time monthly to read the article, and then take another 5 minutes to post a reaction to the article for all to see. Let’s give it a try!

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