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Formal Officiating Mentorship Program

Dave Rittman

“The DMOA is pleased to announce a formal mentorship program for interested veteran and new basketball and football officials.  The program, ‘Each ONE, Bring ONE’, will match veteran officials with inexperienced officials and will include personalized 1:1 discussions on officiating topics, mentoring/encouragement and periodic observation/evaluation/feedback of new officials registered in the program.  DMOA membership is required to participate in the program.  The DMOA is currently accepting both mentors and interested newer officials in the program.  For more information, please visit www.desmoinesofficials.com or contact:

Dave Rittman, President (dkrofficiating@gmail.com)

Jason Alons, VP-Basketball (jason.alons@gmail.com)

Matt Caponigro, VP-Football (matthew.caponigro@gmail.com)

When asked about the new program, Rittman, who is also Director of Training and Retention for the DMOA, said, “The shortage of officials is at a critical stage, both in Iowa and around the country.  I have a passion for introducing new officials to the enjoyment of working with young student athletes, as well as providing opportunities for veteran officials to give back to the officiating community by sharing their enthusiasm, enjoyment, knowledge and experience.  While the physical demands of officiating may retire a few of our veterans, we have never needed their involvement more than we do now.” 

1 thought on “Formal Officiating Mentorship Program”

  1. Hi Dave, my name is Ryan Manning. I was on the zoom call for tonight (12/15/22) and just moved to the DSM area from Montana. I am currently working sub-varsity contests and have one high school season under my belt. I’m not entirely sure if it was you tonight who mentioned there is a morning scrimmage on the 29th of December, but I would like to work it. If feedback is available from that scrimmage, I think I could greatly benefit from it. Let me know if we can make it happen.
    Thank you,

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