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FB Rules

Zoom Link to FB Mtg 2

Great discussion around keys in the passing game along with a few kicking game pointers – great film review. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/dmj2_IcbKzefmquTZwG1nRc1eXgQ85vJaRPhHLTnPOKfnNTipkK2JUG-RrQjaOKP.4-dJnDyY4Sdz4xvU?startTime=1725489959000 Passcode: rj6+gS.%

New FB Rule Summary: Penalty Enforcement

First Look At New High School Football Rule For 2023 – Basic Spot Penalty Enforcement | HTP #17 – YouTube A great summary with play examples from EFOA (Evergreen Football Officials Assoc. – Vancouver, WA).